Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Night no. 1

We have been in these "beds" for a long time, I'm so uncomfortable, and need to get up and move but im too weak. I would love to be able to walk around, and stretch my legs but thinking about it just makes it seem more painful to lie on this cold hard bunk. But the bunk seemed great next to the horrible feeling of starvation. I was desperately hungry and the thought of eating that old hard bread and dirty water seemed disgusting when first arriving to the camp, but now you would do just about anything for it, or any bit of food. The smell is terrible in here as well, we are all filthy and it was hard to tell if the person next to you was alive or not. But atleast i was alive and that gave me some hope....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Outsiders post 1

The Greasers thought of themselves as a family, and in alot of ways they were. A family to me are people who you love and will always be there for no matter what. I don't consider only consider my relatives as family, but I also consider my close friends as family aswell. To me the greasers were definatly a family, they all had a bond and were looking out for eachother all of the time. And like most families, they also had thier bad times aswell, and they went through lot together, like deaths, gang members being hurt, and fights. But they were together all of the time, lived together, and always had one another's back, wich are also a few more qualities of the greasers that made them a family, or as close to one as they can get.

Dallys obituary

Dallas Winston- Was gunned down by police officers after "threating" them with with a hand gun. The gun wasnt loaded, but there was no way of the police knowing if it was or wasn't for sure. Dallas "Dally" was coming back from the hospital after his friend, Johnny Cade, 17, died in the hospital aftre saving a few young boys from a burning church. "Dally was most likely distressed, and just wanted to give up" officals say, Dally's good friend Ponyboy states, "Dally Winston wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted".

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Outsiders final test

On page 122, Ponyboy says “Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the things you want to learn.” He learned a lot in this book, and like he says, he didn’t want to learn everything he was taught. Ponyboy learned a lot from being in the greasers, and he has seen a lot as well. Pony didn’t have parents so he lived with his brothers Darry, and Soda. They have to be able to fight for themselves because they don’t have parent to fall back on, this teaches Pony that he has to be able to fend for himself. He becomes a good fighter and when he and Johnny are together they can take out a big guy, as he says in the book. Fighting applies to the greaser’s lives because if they can’t protect themselves they would most likely be dead, or end up getting hurt badly. I don’t think Pony or Johnny enjoyed learning how to beat people up, or going to rumbles, but more as if they felt they had to, to protect their reputation as a greaser. In the end, I think that even though Pony didn’t really want to fight or learn how to, it is still good for them to be able to protect themselves.