Monday, June 9, 2008

Last Blog For English

1) I think I have changed alot in this school year. In September I was more quiet and kept to myself alot and now I don't mind speaking out when I need to. What classes I enjoy and what classes I don't like has alos changed as well. English and Art are probably two fo my favorite classes now because not alot of home work is givin and the assighnments are fun and makse the class go by faster. In September i didn't really like English alot but as the year progressed I liked it more and more.

2) Some topics I disliked in this years English class was when we read Animal Farm. The book didn't really appeal to me and the assighnments in my opionion were not that fun. Another thing that I didn't like was how we didn't finish a few movies and only saw parts of them. But otherwise I really like this class and it has been a fun year.

3) I really didn't think anything in this class was too difficult, all of the assighnments were understandible and the directions were clear. But if I had to choose the hardest one, I would have to say the Essay on modern monsters that i completed a month of two ago. The reason it was most difficult is because it was the most time consuming project we did in here and alot of research was required. There was also a high stress level becaus ethe due date was very close when I was not close to being done, but twards the end it was extended which took off alot of the stress. Even though the project took so long it was worth it because the grade I got brought up the marking period grade alot. I rose to the occasion by using time wisely and getting the research I needed to complete the project.

4) My favorite topic in this class was probably when we read Romeo and Juliet. I liked it because besides from being able to watch the movie, the book was really good. I was able to understand everything and I liked the language of that time. It didn't really make me think about anything in specific but I really enjoied learning and will probably read the book and see the movie again in the future.

5) If I could give the upcoming Freshman class any advise for next year it would be to complete your work in this class and pay attention. The reason is because I learned alot from this class and it benefited me in alot of ways. I became a better writer and my vocabulary has expanded greatly since the beginning of the year. My last bit of advise would also be to have fun and not take things TOO seriously.