Thursday, February 28, 2008

Teen Alcohol Statistics

Something i found suprising about teen drinking was that in Sussex County in 1996, only 9 kids were arrrested for DUI. In 2006, 20 kids were arrested.

Another thing that was shocking to me was that 14% of 8th grade students in Sussex County have used alcohol last month. I think that schools should have more assemblies, and health classes should educate kids more in schools about the outcome of under age drinking. If the schools were to tell the kids more about what can happen to you if you get caught drinking, they will maybe decide no to drink anymore or ever even start.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

in class writing assignment for 2/26/08

1. In today's world I do think that young people grow up too quickly. Alot of teenagers and younger kids seem to be the ones supporting their family in this day and age. Many families with alot of kids in the house rely on the oldest children to make some money to support them.
I also see alot of kids having to buy thier own clothing, and also sometimes food. I think that if an adult decides to have a child they should be able to care for them and provide them what they need.

2. Gerald is different from other high school students because he is the one that is holding the family together. He takes care of his sister and makes money to get the family what they need while Jordan was in jail and not able to make money for the family. Most kids in high school do not have that much to worry about and do not have to care for a younger sibling by themselvs. The way Gerald is now will affect him when he gets older because he will learn to take care of himself as well as for others. I think him having these expierences will make him stronger and he will learn from them.

3-E. A time in my life when I had to choose between what was popular and what i knew was right was when there was a new girl at my old school and she could not find her class. She was getting laughed at and people were calling her names because of her getting lost. Some of the more "popular" kids would laugh and make negative facial expressions at her while they walked past and it was making her upset. A few of my friends were also making fun aswell but I knew that it wasnt fun at all being the new kid. While she was Wlking down the halls looking for her class, I went over and helped her find it and talked to her and made her feel more comfortable in the new environment. My friends said I was a looser and that I ditched them for her but it felt right to help someone who was lost and uncomfortable around new people.

Monday, February 11, 2008

chapter 7 response

A time in my life when I felt a sence of loss was last year in January when my grandfather died. I was very close with him and saw him at least 1 time every week. On sundays when I went to church with my family him and my grandmother would always come too. And afterwards we would go out to breakfast with them. He would always tell good jokes and was able to make us all laugh no matter what. And even if he was feeling his worst, and when he was in the hospital sick, when asked how he was he would respond, "Wonderful." and say it with a smile. One day when i came home from school my mom was standing in the hall with a nervous look on her face and I knew what was coming. She told me that my grandfater had died. I delt with it by just going into my room and locking the door. I dont like to talk about things when im upset so i just stayed in there in lisened to my ipod for hours. I handle alot of my problems by just being alone. I think this expierence is similar to Gerald's because he lost a loved one who was very close to him and so did I. The two are also different because Gerald went with his aunt because of an abuseive relationship with his parents, and did not have that many people who loved him in his life and I have my family as support when ever i need it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Child abuse statistics-

  • Approximately 80% of child abuse is from a parent or caregiver.
  • Boys and girls are equally likely to be abused or neglected.
  • 11,927 children spent most of 2005 in foster care.
  • Most of the children in foster care have been victems of sexual abuse or physical abuse.
  • 75% of all child abuse deaths are children under 4 years of age.

info taken from: