Thursday, January 24, 2008

Real life propaganda technique 2

"Plain Folks", or "a folksy approach to convince us to support someone or something which depicts ordinary people doing ordinary things." is also another technique that is seen alot in advertisements. For example, of a company was trying to sell window cleaner, a good approach to getting costomers to buy would be to use someone who isn't famous to advertise it. This shows the costomer that if an every day person is using it and getting good results than it would be a good product for them to buy.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Real life propaganda technique 1

In real life, I think that the "Testimonial" propaganda technique is the most commonly used. On television and in magazines celebrity faces are used to sell more of the product, or get it out into the public if it's a new product then the famous faces will get the product out into the public and it will sell faster and more effectively. If just everyday people had to go out onto the streets and have nothing but themselves to sell the product there would be alot less products out on the market today.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Animal Farm 3

In chapter 2, another propaganda technique used is "Name Calling." this is used when the pigs come up with the 7 commandments and say that anyone with two legs is an enemy. This "Attaches a negative label" to humans and also "Rather than explaining what they believe in, they prefer to tear their opponent down."

Animal Farm 2

In chapter 1, Old Major agian tells all the other animals that if they do not drive out Mr. Jones that they would never be able to be free and will be under his rules. The choices that seem to be givin are drive out the humans, or always just have to work and be "starved" by them. This type of propaganda technique is "Black and White Thinking." The animals believe Old Major and drive out the humans from the farm, but then are wosre off than they were before.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Animal Farm 1

In the book Animal Farm, one of the propaganda techniques that was used was the "Band Wagon." This is used when Old Major tells all of the other animals that Mr. Jones is making their lives more difficult and that he didn't treat them right. Old Major makes them believe that they should all drive him out and that they all should revolt against him and if they didn't they would never be happy.